Should This Matter?

I don't know…but here is my 2 cents!

Worship of the Earth is Still Happening TODAY and it is More Prevalent Than You Think!

Climate change is a topic that is all over the news, science text books, talk shows, and the political debate scene. It has been deemed as a threat to our existence. How to deal with this “threat” involves major changes to our society including population control, eliminating anything deemed harmful to the environment (which coincidentally includes humans), and instituting technologies regardless of cost or strain to people/society. Despite the fact that the science behind the human effect on climate change and the ability to change it appears to not be on their side, these zealots refuse to back away from their beliefs and their “solutions”. Why such devotion?

Climate change has become a religion to them. Like I am devoted to Christianity, they are devoted to climate change. I derive my moral guide from the Bible, climate change determines their morals. I know that God sustains me and all humans, while they believe that the earth does that. In a society where God and Biblical morals have been erased, our culture has established new morals based on our duty to the earth. As humans we are designed to seek a moral code or a purpose. Unfortunately, we tend to try and find this purpose in anything but God. Nowadays, environmentalism has established a moral code based on how we treat the earth and many prefer that to following God.

A few months ago, I posted an article showing how abortion is really just modern day child sacrifice. We disguise the practice as “science” or a “right” but when we take the time to analyze what we are doing and why, we are no different than the cultures from long ago that we view as primitive today. They sacrificed their children in the name of Chemosh or Molech. We do so today in the name of “privacy” or “independence”. Their end goal was to appease the god for a better crop or to win a battle, etc. The end goal of child sacrifice today is for economical/social benefit to the mother or society. So, it turns out today our society isn’t really all that civilized, and while these pro-choice people feel like they are doing something new, they really are just honoring the same “god” as the ancients.

I feel the same way about climate change and other radical environmental ideologies. Underneath all of the supposed scientific backing and new technology, these people are really just worshipping one of the same gods that the ancients worshipped: the earth.

Back in time, the worship of the earth involved sacrifices and rituals. So too does climate change require sacrifices and rituals. We must undergo population control, remove fossil fuels, give up eating meat, etc. Basically, we must bow down to anything that the priests (politicians) of this ideology require of us. And for those of us who don’t comply, we are to be punished. These ideologues set up services (fundraisers) to preach their doctrine and garner funds (sacrifices).

Sadly, these people view the earth as the beginning and the end of the human race. The earth alone provides for all of our needs and to ensure it remains viable to us, we must do anything it requires to continue. But as Christians, we know that this is not the case. The earth will one day be destroyed. God created us and the earth and it is GOD alone who takes care of all of our needs.

I recently posted another article regarding what the Bible says about these radical environmental concepts. God commands us to care for the earth, but God does not view the earth as superior to humans. In fact, the earth will eventually be destroyed and a new heaven and new earth will be our home. God created the earth but only humans are created in His image with the breath of life.

Some politicians and leaders of the climate change movement know that the whole ideology is a farce using the moral laws that they establish to control their base. But there are many who are convinced of its validity and are willing to sacrifice anything to sustain the earth. The earth is their god. Of course, in the end, worshipping anything other than God is worshipping Satan.

While we need to care for the earth God created and gave to us to have dominion over, we must also understand that it is not the earth that sustains us, but GOD!