Should This Matter?

I don't know…but here is my 2 cents!

Small Lies Lead to Big Lies and Then to No Truth at All: The Lie of Abortion

“Little white lie”…it’s no big deal, right?

Well, that is simply not true. We all know that any lie is harmful. But even in the smallest lie is an more serious danger: more lies to come. Lies tend to build on one another until the web of lies is so confusing that truth dissolves before our eyes. It all starts somewhere. It all starts with initial small lies.

Jeremiah 9:3-6 (KJV)

And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the Lord.

Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.

And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity.

Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the Lord.

This passage of Jeremiah 9 caught my attention as I delved into it. Jeremiah issues a weeping report over the people of Judah. In Jeremiah 7-8, the previous chapters, we see that God would destroy the people for their sin. Jeremiah was obviously upset about what has been revealed to him, yet he understood that judgement was the result of the people’s sin. He hates their sin and, in this chapter, one of the specific sins that he highlights is LYING.

I found this interesting because most of us would consider lying as not a big deal. In the previous chapters, God points out the sin of idolatry and even child sacrifice which most of us would say “Ok, yeah child sacrifice makes sense…they deserve judgement!” But lying?

Lying is such a common thing in our culture. Many of us don’t even think twice about lying. We even lie in order to make others feel better and actually believe we are doing the world a service! But lies are like a gateway drug. It may not be all that bad initially, but one lie inevitably leads to more dangerous lies. As we become more and more accustomed to lying, we begin to even deceive ourselves. Soon enough, no one will know the truth anymore and everything becomes relative. People will do what is right in their own eyes. It always leads to rejecting God.

God values truth. He is the God of truth. So, if you accept lies then you cannot accept God. Lying and God is incompatible.

As Christians, we need to guard ourselves and our families against lying. Many come pretending to be of the faith, but do not speak the truth. Those that follow their lies, follow these false leaders to destruction. I am sure that to some I may sound like a doomsday preacher, but the Bible is very clear about where deceit will lead you.

The Abortion Lie

If you want to see an example of where lying can take you then look no further than the abortion debate. The debate began with a little lie: “An embryo is just a cell or clump of cells. It isn’t alive!” Of course, this was an obvious lie, even at the time. When they search for ‘life’ on other planets, they search for a single cell. We don’t apply this logic to bacteria or amoebas. But, as a society, we let this go. The outspoken critics were shunned as unscientific, and the Christian community shrunk back afraid to be thought of as prude and behind the times. Next, we hear them say: “A fetus is not a person and not ‘alive’ as we know life because it cannot survive out of the womb.” However, we protect turtle eggs and other protected embryos/fetuses with laws against harming them. This hypocrisy tells us that it isn’t about living outside the womb or not but who or what is being killed. Then they say: “Well, a woman shouldn’t be told what to do with her body.” Yet, the baby’s body and her body are separate (different DNA). What about the baby’s say over his/her body? Still the naysayers were shouted down and the few church leaders who spoke out were hated. They were described as hateful and misogynists (another lie). So, many Christians remained silent refusing to entertain the abortion debate.

So now, here we are. Abortion up until birth. The child is clearly alive and can easily live on its own. But still we have another lie imposed upon us: “It is for the health of the mother” and “her reproductive right”. Are we going to stand by silently still? Plenty of obstetricians have come forward to combat this pronounced lie regarding the health of the mother. If a mother’s health is compromised, you simply deliver the baby. The baby no longer needs to be in the womb!

Facebook has come alive with people upset about this new development of abortion until birth in New York. I am certainly glad to see the outrage finally! But should we be shocked? This started with small lies that we let go. And those lies compounded upon one another until we have come to where we are now. Where were these people before? Where was the anger? Hiding?

Now we say we are shocked. Now we are finally angry, but the battle we fight is harder because we have let the lies go for so long. The lies have infiltrated our society to the point where our children actually believe them. Unmoved by the genocide occurring in our neighborhoods, society has grown accustomed to the lies and now believe them as true. So, to move to birth until abortion is just the next logical step.

It all started with a few lies.

Lying is important, even the small ones. Let’s teach our children that lies, even the smallest, are ALL bad. It is tempting to focus on the ‘big sins’ like drugs, stealing, immorality, etc. But lying should also be a ‘big sin’. Let’s fight for truth in our society.

Do you have a question?  Do you have something to add?  Leave a comment below or on my contact page!  I am more than happy to engage in friendly discussions. Thank you!